Terms Of Service.

By using this platform, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Pricing

    Your first consultation is $9.99! After that, each session will be $24.99.

  2. Consultation Process and Response Time

    To schedule a consultation with Consult With Natalie, please follow these steps:

    1. Book your consultation.

    2. Complete the inquiry form, including your question or a voice audio.

    3. Submit your inquiry.

    For guidance on sending a voice audio, please refer to the upload audio tutorial.

    The consultant will receive your inquiry and respond within 24 hours (or sooner) of your appointed time. All responses will be sent to your email, so be sure to provide your email address on the form. If you do not receive a response within 24 hours (of the appointment you selected), you will have the option to receive a full refund or receive a response to your inquiry and have your next session with the consultant for free. While it is likely that the consultant will notice the delay, you can also inform her through email.

  3. Nature of Services

    The services provided on this platform are informal consulting based on personal knowledge and experience. The consultant is not a licensed therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist. In case of an emergency, please dial 911 or seek professional help immediately. For all inquires, it is recommended to refer to the mental health resource page to determine whether to consult the consultant or seek professional assistance.

  4. Respect and Professionalism

    Respect is essential from both parties. This platform is intended for serious consulting purposes only. Invasive questions regarding the consultant's personal life or impolite questions will not be answered. Furthermore, please note that while the advice provided is based on experience and knowledge, its effectiveness may vary depending on the specific situation.

  5. Refunds and Termination

    At Consult With Natalie, client satisfaction and well-being are top priorities. To ensure transparency and understanding, please review the detailed refund policy below regarding submitted inquiries.

    Refunds are not offered, however there are exceptions.

    Exceptions for Receiving a Refund

    Inability to Provide Advice

    If, for any reason, the consultant is unable to offer advice due to being unable to address your specific inquiry:

    - You will receive a full refund. The goal is to ensure you get the help you need, even if it means acknowledging when the help cannot be provided.

    Non-Advisable Questions

    The services are specifically designed to offer advice. If your inquiry does not allow for advisory input:

    - First Instance: You will be informed about the nature of the issue, provided a link to the policies, and receive a refund. This ensures you understand the scope of the services offered.

    - Second Instance: You will receive a reminder of the policies via a link, but no refund will be issued. This reinforces the need to adhere to the guidelines.

    - Repeated Instances: If non-advisable inquiries persist, you will be banned from booking future consultations. This step is crucial to maintaining a productive and respectful consulting environment.

    Response Time

    Timely responses are a cornerstone of the service commitment. If the consultant fails to respond to your inquiry within 24 hours of your selected appointment:

    - You can choose to receive a full refund. This option respects your time and acknowledges any delay.

    - Alternatively, you can allow additional time for a response and receive your next session for free. This compensatory offer aims to restore your confidence in the service.

    Offensive Inquiries

    Maintaining a respectful and professional environment is paramount. If your inquiry is deemed offensive:

    - First Instance: You will receive a refund and a link to the policies. This response addresses the immediate concern and provides guidance for future interactions.

    - Second Instance: No refund will be issued, but you will receive a policy reminder. This underscores the importance of adhering to respectful communication.

    - Repeated Instances: Continued offensive inquiries will result in a ban from future bookings. This measure protects the integrity of the consulting environment and the well-being of all clients.

    Insurmountable Offense

    Inquiries that are exceedingly offensive and go beyond the usual scope of issues:

    - You will not receive a refund.

    - You will be banned from booking future consultations. This strict policy ensures that boundaries are respected and that the consulting space remains safe and supportive.

    Out of Scope Inquiries

    If your inquiry requires expertise beyond the consultant's qualifications and it is recommended that you seek professional help:

    - You will receive a refund and be directed to appropriate professional resources. This recommendation aims to ensure you receive the best possible support.

    - Repeat Instance: If a similar inquiry is submitted after previous guidance to seek professional help, you will receive a link to the mental health resources page but not receive a refund. This reinforces the need for appropriate professional assistance.

    - Repeated Instances: Persistent submission of out-of-scope inquiries will lead to a ban from future bookings. This policy ensures that consultations remain relevant and within the scope of the consultant's expertise.

    Understanding of Inquiries

    If, upon receiving your inquiry, our consultant finds it difficult to understand your inquiry, you will promptly be notified via email. In such cases, you will have the following options:

    1. Resend Your Question: You may choose to resend your inquiry in a different format or with additional clarification to facilitate better understanding.

    2. Request a Refund: Alternatively, you have the option to request a refund. Refunds will be processed within 5-10 business days and issued to the original payment method.

  6. Cancellation Policy

    There is no cancellation policy for inquiries. Once you submit a question, it cannot be retracted. Before sending in your inquiry, it is strongly encouraged to assess whether you can resolve it independently or if you require the assistance of a licensed professional. Your decision to submit an inquiry implies your acknowledgment and acceptance of these terms.

  7. Privacy

    Upon creating an account and sending inquiries, your name, conversations, and email will be saved for record-keeping purposes. You may input your phone number, though your phone number will not be used.

  8. Sharing Your Story Anonymously

    The consultant may share your story anonymously on social media, along with the advice given, to help others who might be in a similar situation.

By using this service, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by these terms and services. Thank you for respecting these policies.